This is an external abdominal massage the improves blood flow and circulation to the stomach, liver, gallbladder, bladder, spleen, pancreas, intestines and the reproductive system.
It relieves:
- indigestion
- heartburn
- constipation
- low back pain
- bladder issues
- menstrual and menopausal issues
- ovarian cysts
- fibroids
- endometriosis
- can realign the uterus
Paula completed her training in Mayan Abdominal Massage in 2005. She was trained by Rosita Arvigo, the founder of Arvigo Massage.
- $140/hr*
(* $5 discount for cash or personal check)
Please note: If you do not contact me within 48 hrs. of your appointment time, you will be charged the full amount. Upon booking appointments , you are agreeing to this policy. Thank you for your business.